Our First Full Time Rangers

With the greatest of pleasure, the Tagalaka Aboriginal Corporation is proud to introduce our first full time rangers: Jamie Richardson, Liam Owens and Jonathon Miles. These amazing Tagalaka people have a vital role to protect and preserve our land. Beyond that, they embody the spirit of cultural resilience and pride.

Having our first full time Rangers is a demonstration of our self-determination. Their roles extend far beyond environmental care; they serve as role models within their communities, demonstrating the power of self-reliance and the profound impact of meaningful employment. Each day, they inspire others to embrace their heritage and pursue their dreams, fostering a future where Tagalaka people continue to thrive and lead with purpose and dignity.

“I am looking forward to working on country and doing my part as a Tagalaka person. I want to focus on protecting the sites that we have”

- Jamie Richardson

“I now feel complete. I am excited to be a Ranger on our own Country and I am looking forward to getting out to discover new art sites”

- Liam Owens

“I have a lot of happiness to be connected back on my grandfather’s land. I think back to stories told me and now I get to see those places and walk in the footsteps of my Elders”

- Jonathon Miles


Rise Above


Update to Our Board of Directors